The rise of Astyanax cavefish

Dev Dyn. 2015 Sep;244(9):1031-1038. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24253. Epub 2015 Mar 31.


Numerous animals have invaded subterranean caverns and evolved remarkably similar features. These features include loss of vision and pigmentation, and gains in nonvisual sensation. This broad convergence echoes smaller-scale convergence, in which members of the same species repeatedly evolve the same cave-associated phenotypes. The blind Mexican tetra of the Sierra de El Abra region of northeastern Mexico has a complex origin, having recurrently colonized subterranean environments through numerous invasions of surface-dwelling fish. These colonizations likely occurred ∼1-5 MYa. Despite evidence of historical and contemporary gene flow between cave and surface forms, the cave-associated phenotype appears to remain quite stable in nature. This model system has provided insight to the mechanisms of phenotypic regression, the genetic basis for constructive trait evolution, and the origin of behavioral novelties. Here, we document the rise of this model system from its discovery by a Mexican surveyor in 1936, to a powerful system for cave biology and contemporary genetic research. The recently sequenced genome provides exciting opportunities for future research, and will help resolve several long-standing biological problems. Developmental Dynamics 244:1031-1038, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Keywords: cave biology; regressive phenotypic evolution; troglomorphy.