Does the linear Sry transcript function as a ceRNA for miR-138? The sense of antisense

F1000Res. 2014 Apr 11:3:90. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.3872.2. eCollection 2014.


Recently, the sex determining region Y ( Sry) and the cerebellar degeneration-related protein 1 ( CDR1as) RNA transcripts have been described to function as a new class of post-transcriptional regulatory RNAs that behave as circular endogenous RNA sponges for the micro RNAs (miRNAs) miR-138 and miR-7, respectively. A special feature of the Sry gene is its ability to generate linear and circular transcripts, both transcribed in the sense orientation. Here we remark that both sense (e.g. Sry RNA) and antisense (e.g. CDR1as) transcripts could circularize and behave as miRNAs sponges, and importantly, that also protein-coding segments of mRNAs could also assume this role. Thus, it is reasonable to think that the linear Sry sense transcript could additionally act as a miRNA sponge, or as an endogenous competing RNA for miR-138.

Grants and funding

GA-J is supported by grants CB-168661 from the Mexican Council of Sciences and Technology (CONACyT) and Mexican Federal Funds (HIM/2014/047-SSA 1123). JTG-R is supported by Mexican Federal Funds (HIM/2014/040-SSA 1146).