Daily Spiritual Experiences and Adolescent Treatment Response

Alcohol Treat Q. 2014 Apr 1;32(2-3):271-298. doi: 10.1080/07347324.2014.907029.


The purpose of this study is to explore changes in belief orientation during treatment and the impact of increased daily spiritual experiences (DSE) on adolescent treatment response. One-hundred ninety-five adolescents court-referred to a 2-month residential treatment program were assessed at intake and discharge. Forty percent of youth who entered treatment as agnostic or atheist identified themselves as spiritual or religious at discharge. Increased DSE was associated with greater likelihood of abstinence, increased prosocial behaviors, and reduced narcissistic behaviors. Results indicate a shift in DSE that improves youth self-care and care for others that may inform intervention approaches for adolescents with addiction.

Keywords: Alcoholics Anonymous; Youth addiction; adolescents; service; spirituality.