Multiple ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecular iodine studied in IR-XUV pump-probe experiments

Faraday Discuss. 2014:171:41-56. doi: 10.1039/c4fd00031e. Epub 2014 Jul 29.


The ionization and fragmentation dynamics of iodine molecules (I(2)) are traced using very intense (∼10(14) W cm(-2)) ultra-short (∼60 fs) light pulses with 87 eV photons of the Free-electron LASer at Hamburg (FLASH) in combination with a synchronized femtosecond optical laser. Within a pump-probe scheme the IR pulse initiates a molecular fragmentation and then, after an adjustable time delay, the system is exposed to an intense FEL pulse. This way we follow the creation of highly-charged molecular fragments as a function of time, and probe the dynamics of multi-photon absorption during the transition from a molecule to individual atoms.