Sparganosis in Russell's viper snake: a case report

J Parasit Dis. 2014 Dec;38(4):394-5. doi: 10.1007/s12639-013-0260-2. Epub 2013 Feb 16.


The occurrence of the plerocercoid larva, Sparganum of Sparganum spp. in two Russell's viper snakes maintained in Chennai snake park trust, Chennai is reported for the first time from Southern India. The cestode larvae were found in the sub cutis and were flat, solid, wrinkled, ribbon like creamy white in colour with peudosegmentation with anterior end possessing bothria. The cuticles, subcuticular cells and parenchymatous tissue stained by acetic alum carmine further confirmed the cestode larvae.

Keywords: Cestode larvae; Sparganosis; Spirometra spp..