Genus-wide microsatellite primers for the goldenrods (Solidago; Asteraceae)

Appl Plant Sci. 2014 Apr 4;2(4):apps.1300093. doi: 10.3732/apps.1300093. eCollection 2014 Apr.


Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for studies of polyploid evolution, ecological genetics, conservation genetics, and species delimitation in the genus Solidago. •

Methods and results: Illumina sequencing of a shotgun library from S. gigantea identified ca. 1900 putative single-copy loci. Fourteen loci were subsequently shown to be amplifiable, single-copy, and variable in a broad range of Solidago species. •

Conclusions: The utility of these markers both across the genus and in herbarium specimens of a wide age range will facilitate numerous inter- and intraspecific studies in the ca. 120 Solidago species.

Keywords: Asteraceae; Illumina sequencing; Solidago; polyploidy; simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers.