Chloride-bridged, defect-dicubane {Ln4} core clusters: syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties

Dalton Trans. 2014 Aug 21;43(31):11973-80. doi: 10.1039/c4dt01329h.


Three chloride-bridged lanthanide compounds, [Ln4Cl6(CH3OH)12(OH)2]·4Cl·2CH3OH [Ln = Gd (), Dy () and Er ()], have been unexpectedly isolated by the reactions of LnCl3·6H2O and N,N'-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-(phenylene-diamine) (H2L). X-ray crystallographic analysis reveals a triclinic cell with a unique defect-dicubane {Ln4} core and the structure across this series is nominally isomorphic. Measurements of direct current magnetic susceptibility and isothermal magnetization give insight into the relevant cluster Hamiltonians for , , and , and alternating current susceptibility shows slow relaxation in , but not in or down to 2 K and up to 1 kHz.