Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Presenting as Miliary Tuberculosis without Immune Suppression: A Case Diagnosed Rapidly with the Genotypic Line Probe Assay Method

Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2014 May;76(5):245-8. doi: 10.4046/trd.2014.76.5.245. Epub 2014 May 29.


Miliary tuberculosis (TB) is a rare extrapulmonary form of TB, and there have been only two reports of miliary TB associated with infection with multidrug-resistant (MDR)-TB pathogen in an immunocompetent host. A 32-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of abnormal findings on chest X-ray. The patient was diagnosed with MDR-TB by a line probe assay and was administered proper antituberculous drugs. After eight weeks, a solid-media drug sensitivity test revealed that the pathogen was resistant to ethambutol and streptomycin in addition to isoniazid and rifampicin. The patient was then treated with effective antituberculous drugs without delay after diagnosis of MDR-TB. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of miliary TB caused by MDR-TB pathogen in Korea.

Keywords: Molecular Probe Techniques; Tuberculosis, Miliary; Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant.