Reconstruction for the distal urethral end incorrectly anastomosed to the proximal false passage in the treatment of urethral stricture

Am J Case Rep. 2014 Jun 4:15:239-42. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.890378. eCollection 2014.


Patient: Male, 24 FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Urethral stricture Symptoms: -

Medication: - Clinical Procedure: - Specialty: Urology.

Objective: Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment.

Background: The most dependable management of anterior urethral stricture is the complete excision of the area of fibrosis, with a primary reanastomosis of the normal ends of the anterior urethra.

Case report: A 24-year-old man had urethral stricture in the penoscrotal junction caused by catheterization approximately 3 years ago. After the resection of the urethral stricture segment and the end-to-end anastomosis were performed, in addition to stricture, urethrocutaneous fistula formation as another complication in the penoscrotal junction was confirmed. The direct vision internal urethrotomy did not improve all the above symptoms. The retrograde urethrogram and voiding cysto-urethrogram showed complete obliteration in the penile urethra, urethrocutaneous fistula, and proximal urethral bifurcation singularity. Intraoperatively, we found that the distal urethral end had been anastomosed to the proximal false passage in the initial surgery and the proximal urethra was located in the dorsal side of the false passage. Then, tubularized preputial flap urethroplasty was performed. The patient was followed up for 10 months. His peak urinary flow was 18.3 milliliter per second.

Conclusions: We would remind urologists that urethral end intraoperatively anastomosed to the false passage is a rare, serious, avoidable, and elementary medical error. Urethroplasty is one of the curative choices for treatment of this unexpected condition.

Keywords: False passage; Urethra – surgery; Urethral Stricture – surgery; Urethroplasty; Urinary Fistula – surgery.