Active-treatment effects of the Forsus fatigue resistant device during comprehensive Class II correction in growing patients

Korean J Orthod. 2014 May;44(3):136-42. doi: 10.4041/kjod.2014.44.3.136. Epub 2014 May 19.


Objective: To evaluate the active-treatment effects of the Forsus fatigue resistant device (Forsus) during comprehensive correction of Class II malocclusion in growing patients.

Methods: Fifty-four patients (mean age, 12.5 ± 1.2 years) with Class II division 1 malocclusion were consecutively treated with fixed app-liances in combination with Forsus. Lateral cephalograms were analyzed at the beginning of the fixed treatment (T1), Forsus insertion (T2), its removal (T3), and end of the comprehensive therapy (T4). Statistical comparisons were carried out by repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukey's post-hoc test (p < 0.05).

Results: The overall therapeutic effects were mainly dentoalveolar and occurred mostly during the active treatment with Forsus (T2-T3, mean duration = 0.5 ± 0.1 years). The overjet and overbite decreased significantly (-3.5 and -1.5 mm, respectively) and the molar relationship improved by 4.3 mm. These changes were associated with significant retroclination of the maxillary incisors (-3.1°), proclination and intrusion of the mandibular incisors (+5.0° and -1.5 mm, respectively), and mesialization of the mandibular molars (+2.0 mm).

Conclusions: Forsus had mainly dentoalveolar effects and contributed largely to the overall therapeutic outcome.

Keywords: Cephalometrics; Class II malocclusion; Fixed functional appliance.