Elucidation of the Na(2/3)FePO₄ and Li(2/3)FePO₄ intermediate superstructure revealing a pseudouniform ordering in 2D

J Am Chem Soc. 2014 Jun 25;136(25):9144-57. doi: 10.1021/ja503622y. Epub 2014 Jun 10.


Based on TEM, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, DFT calculations, and Mössbauer spectroscopy, a unified understanding of the Na and Li intercalation process in FePO4 is proposed. The key to this lies in solving the highly sought-after intermediate A(2/3)FePO4 (A = Na, Li) superstructures that are characterized by alkali ions as well as Fe(II)/Fe(III) charge orderings in a monoclinic three-fold supercell. Formation energies and electrochemical potential calculations confirm that Na(2/3)FePO4 and Li(2/3)FePO4 are stable and metastable, respectively, and that they yield insertion potentials in fair agreement with experimental values. The 2/3 Na(Li) and 1/3 vacancy sublattice of the intermediate phases forms a dense (101)(Pnma) plane in which the atom/vacancy ordering is very similar to that predicted for the most uniform distribution of 1/3 of vacancies in a 2D square lattice. Structural analysis strongly suggests that the key role of this dense plane is to constrain the intercalation in the diffusion channels to operate by cooperative filling of (bc)(Pnma). From a practical point of view, this generalized mechanism highlights the fact that an interesting strategy for obtaining high-rate FePO4 materials would consist in designing grains with an enhanced (101) surface area, thereby offering potential for substantial improvements with respect to the performance of rechargeable Li and Na batteries.