Association between Helicobacter pylori and Serum Leptin in Iranian Dyspeptic Patients

Middle East J Dig Dis. 2013 Jul;5(3):158-62.


Background: To investigate any possible relationship between serum leptin level and H.pylori infection in dyspeptic Iranian adults.

Methods: A total of 153 dyspeptic patients referring to Firoozgar hospital for esophagogastroduodenoscopywere enrolled in the study. Serum leptin level was measuredbefore endoscopy, after overnight fasting. Two biopsy specimens weretaken from antrum for each patient during endoscopy: one to detect H. pyloriinfection by Rapid Urease Test (RUT) and the other evaluated by an expertpathologist, blind to the RUT results and patients. Serum leptin level was comparedbetween H.pylori-positive negative groups.

Results: A total of 153 dyspeptic patients with the mean age of 43.2±14.3 years wereevaluated. The overall prevalence of H.pylori infection was 49.6%. H.pyloriinfection was significantly associated with serum leptin level (p<0.001). In addition,we found a significant relationship between serum leptin level and gender(p<0.02). Furthermore, serum leptin level was correlated with age (r=0.17,p=0.0031). However, the H.pylori-positive group was older in comparison tothe H.pylori negative group (45.65±13.9 vs. 40.7±14.13, p=0.035). The twogroups were not significantly different in terms of gender, height, weight orBMI.

Conclusion: H.pylori infection may influence leptin production. Advanced age might exposethe individual to H.pylori infection and consequently influence the leptinlevel.

Keywords: Dyspeptic; Helicobacter pylori; Leptin.