Dimethyl 3,3'-di-meth-oxy-biphenyl-4,4'-di-carboxyl-ate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2014 Mar 15;70(Pt 4):o449. doi: 10.1107/S1600536814005613. eCollection 2014 Apr 1.


In the title compound, C18H18O6, the biphenyl moiety is twisted with a dihedral angle of 29.11 (10)°. The carbometh-oxy groups form C-C-C-O torsion angles of -18.3 (3) and -27.7 (3)° with the attached rings, as a result of steric hindrances from the nearby meth-oxy groups. In the absence of stacking inter-actions and with no H⋯O contacts shorter than 2.7 Å, the packing is dominated by weaker van der Waals inter-actions.