
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2014 Mar 15;70(Pt 4):o439. doi: 10.1107/S1600536814005327. eCollection 2014 Apr 1.


In the title compound, C10H4Br2O3, the atoms of the 6,8-di-bromo-chromone unit are essentially coplanar [largest deviation from the mean planes = 0.1109 (3) Å] and the formyl group is twisted slightly with respect to the attached ring [C-C-C-O torsion angles = 11.5 (4) and -168.9 (3)°]. In the crystal, mol-ecules are linked to each other through halogen bonds [Br⋯O = 3.118 (2) Å, C-Br⋯O = 162.37 (8) and C=O⋯Br = 140.20 (15)°]. The molecules are further assembled via π-π stacking interactions [centroid-centroid distance = 3.850 (2) Å].