The failures of root canal preparation with hand ProTaper

Curr Health Sci J. 2012 Jul;38(3):129-31. Epub 2012 Sep 19.


The failures of root canal preparation are due to some anatomical deviation (canal in "C" or "S") and some technique errors. The technique errors are usually present in canal root cleansing and shaping stage and are the result of endodontic treatment objectives deviation.

Objectives: Our study was made on technique errors while preparing the canal roots with hand ProTaper.

Methodology: Our study was made "in vitro" on 84 extracted teeth (molars, premolars, incisors and canines). The canal root of these teeth were cleansed and shaped with hand ProTaper by crown-down technique and canal irrigation with NaOCl(2,5%). The dental preparation control was made by X-ray.

Results: During canal root preparation some failures were observed like: canal root overinstrumentation, zipping and stripping phenomenon, discarded and/or fractured instruments.

Conclusions: Hand ProTaper represents a revolutionary progress of endodontic treatment, but a deviation from accepted rules of canal root instrumentation can lead to failures of endodontic treatment.

Keywords: ProTaper; root canal; technique errors.