A case of idiopathic encephalomeningocele

Clin Pract. 2011 May 6;1(2):e29. doi: 10.4081/cp.2011.e29. eCollection 2011 May 16.


In the present case we report about an encephalomeningocele in an adult female. Since the cause of this medical entity is a congenital fusion defect of the neural tube of the cranial base, most of the encephaloceles occurs in children leading to facial disfigurement. In the rare cases described in adults, rhinorrhea is usually present. Here we present a case of temporobasal encephalomeningocele in a 72-year-old female patient suffering from headaches in the last 4-5 years. No rhinorrhea or other significant neurological symptoms were noticed. No congenital cause was apparent. After diagnostic steps including brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cranial computed tomography (CT) and MR cisternography, an encephalomeningocele was diagnosed. Through a pterional approach this was completely removed. The only symptom the patient complaint about, headache, was eliminated after surgery.

Keywords: congenital defect; headache.; neurosurgical removal; temporobasal encephalomeningocele.

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  • Review