Female urethral condyloma causing bladder outlet obstruction

Int Neurourol J. 2014 Mar;18(1):42-4. doi: 10.5213/inj.2014.18.1.42. Epub 2014 Mar 31.


In women, urethral condyloma rarely leads to a bladder outlet obstruction. A 39-year-old woman who presented with frequency, urgency, and residual urine sensation was found to have a condyloma in her urethral meatus. Urodynamic study indicated bladder outlet obstruction. After condyloma excision, she returned to normal voiding, and the free maximum flow rate improved. In women, excision of urethral condylomas that cause obstruction can be an effective treatment with early recovery of voiding function.

Keywords: Condyloma acuminata; Female; Urethra; Urinary bladder neck obstruction.