The role of emergency medical services for children (EMSC) in the care of children with traumatic brain injuries

NeuroRehabilitation. 1997;9(2):113-21. doi: 10.3233/NRE-1997-9203.


This article highlights the role that Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) can play in the continuum of care for children with traumatic brain injuries. Through national efforts by the EMSC, several initiatives and recommendations are proposed regarding the development of a coordinated system of care for children with special healthcare needs that includes children with traumatic brain injuries. In particular, EMSC is addressing the need for expanded emergency and trauma care services for children and methods of improving continuity among emergency, acute, rehabilitation, and community services to enhance better long-term outcomes for these children and their families. Other identified needs include: training and education of providers; resolving differences in language and philosophy that exist across disciplines; developing standards for family-centered care; and improving communication and service coordination for children with special healthcare needs.

Keywords: Emergency services; Pediatric; Rehabilitation services; Trauma services; Traumatic brain injury.