Lifeworld conflicts and relation rebirth of couple dancing sport participants

J Exerc Rehabil. 2013 Apr;9(2):304-8. doi: 10.12965/jer.130015. Epub 2013 Apr 25.


This study aims to analyze how the conflict factors occur in lifeworld between couples are healed up through participating in the couple dancing sport, that is, how the couples are reborn to recover the relationship, and why they select the dancing sport for such an intermediate instrument. To achieve such research aims, a qualitative research has been conducted subjecting 5 couples, 10 people who both a couple is participating in the dancing sport activity. The results according to this research procedure are concluded in the following. First, the marital conflict factors occur in lifeworld include day-to-day factors, distance of conjugal relations, expression of negative emotion, etc. Second, the motives for selecting the dancing sport to resolve the marital conflict factors comprise of suggestions from surroundings, mass media, filling up the empty nest, proposals during consultation treatments, problem recognitions of conjugal relations, mutual agreement between a couple, etc. Third, the relation recovered through the couple dancing sport activity, i.e., the rebirth is deemed to be resulted from the promotion of communication opportunities through the couple dancing sport, formation of emotional communion between the couple, building new feelings between the couple, etc.

Keywords: Couple dancing sport participants; Lifeworld conflicts; Rebirth.