Changes in ovule protein profiles associated with somatic embryogenesis in Cercis canadensis (redbud)

Plant Cell Rep. 1994 Nov;14(1):27-30. doi: 10.1007/BF00233293.


The somatic embryogenic potential of Cercis canadensis (redbud) ovules was compared to changes in ovule protein profiles over time. Ovules collected 82-159 dpa were cultured on a modified SH medium and evaluated after six weeks for the development of somatic embryos. Proteins were extracted from additional ovules and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Ovules produced somatic embryos from 96-139 dpa and the maximum embryogenic response occurred at 107 dpa. Changes in the staining intensity of six protein bands were associated with changes in embryogenic potential. The intensity 32 and 36 kDa proteins decreased when ovules became competent to produce somatic embryos. The four remaining bands (18, 19, 56, and 94 kDA) increased in intensity from the middle to the end of the sampling period and these changes were associated with the loss of the somatic embryogenic potential.