Cross-reactivity of human monoclonal antibodies generated with peripheral blood lymphocytes from dengue patients with Japanese encephalitis virus

Biologics. 2013:7:175-87. doi: 10.2147/BTT.S47438. Epub 2013 Aug 15.


Background: Hybridomas that produce human monoclonal antibodies (HuMAbs) against Dengue virus (DV) had been prepared previously using peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with DV during the acute and convalescent phases of a secondary infection. Anti-DV envelope glycoprotein (E) 99 clones, anti-DV premembrane protein (prM) 8 clones, and anti-DV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) 4 clones were derived from four acute-phase patients, and anti-DV E 2 clones, anti-DV prM 2 clones, and anti-DV NS1 8 clones were derived from five convalescent-phase patients.

Methods and results: In the present study, we examined whether these clones cross-reacted with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), which belongs to the same virus family. Forty-six of the above-described 99 (46/99) anti-E, 0/8 anti-prM, and 2/4 anti-NS1 HuMAbs from acute-phase, and 0/2 anti-E, 0/2 anti-prM, and 5/8 anti-NS1 HuMAbs from convalescent-phase showed neutralizing activity against JEV. Thus, most of the anti-E and anti-NS1 (but not the anti-prM) antibodies cross-reacted with JEV and neutralized this virus. Interestingly, 3/46 anti-E HuMAbs derived from acute-phase patients and 3/5 anti-NS1 HuMAbs from convalescent-phase patients showed particularly high neutralizing activity against JEV. Consequently, the HuMAbs showing neutralization against JEV mostly consisted of two populations: one was HuMAbs recognizing DV E and showing neutralization activity against all four DV serotypes (complex-type) and the other was HuMAbs recognizing DV NS1 and showing subcomplex-type cross-reaction with DV.

Conclusion: Anti-DV E from acute phase (46/99) and anti-DV NS1 (7/12) indicate neutralizing activity against JEV. In particular, three of 46 anti-DV E clones from acute phase and three of five anti-NS1 clones from convalescent phase showed strong neutralizing activity against JEV.

Keywords: Dengue virus; Japanese encephalitis virus; envelope; human monoclonal antibody; nonstructural protein 1; viral neutralization.