Optimum Conditions for Artificial Fruiting Body Formation of Cordyceps cardinalis

Mycobiology. 2010 Jun;38(2):133-6. doi: 10.4489/MYCO.2010.38.2.133. Epub 2010 Jun 30.


Stromatal fruiting bodies of Cordyceps cardinalis were successfully produced in cereals. Brown rice, German millet and standard millet produced the longest-length of stromata, followed by Chinese pearl barley, Indian millet, black rice and standard barley. Oatmeal produced the shortest-length of fruiting bodies. Supplementation of pupa and larva to the grains resulted in a slightly enhanced production of fruiting bodies; pupa showing better production than larva. 50~60 g of brown rice and 10~20 g of pupa mixed with 50~60 mL of water in 1,000 mL polypropylene (PP) bottle was found to be optimum for fruiting body production. Liquid inoculation of 15~20 mL per PP bottle produced best fruiting bodies. The optimal temperature for the formation of fruiting bodies was 25℃, under conditions of continuous light. Few fruiting bodies were produced under the condition of complete darkness, and the fresh weight was considerable low, compared to that of light condition.

Keywords: Cereal; Cordyceps cardinalis; Environmental conditions; Fruiting body formation; Liquid inoculation; Silkworm pupa.