Essential genes in thyroid cancers: focus on fascin

J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2013 Jul 1;12(1):32. doi: 10.1186/2251-6581-12-32.


Although thyroid cancers are not among common malignancies, they rank as the first prevalent endocrine cancers in human. According to the results of published studies it has been shown the gradual progress from normal to the neoplastic cell in the process of tumor formation is the result of sequential genetic events. Among them we may point the mutations and rearrangements occurred in a group of proto-oncogenes, transcription factors and metastasis elements such as P53, RAS,RET,BRAF, PPARγ and Fascin. In the present article,we reviewed the most important essential genes in thyroid cancers, the role of epithelial mesenchymal transition and Fascin has been highlighted in this paper.