
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Apr 10;69(Pt 5):o685-6. doi: 10.1107/S1600536813009264. Print 2013 May 1.


In the title compound, C26H34F2N6S, the triazole ring is linked to a benzene ring via an imine bond [N=C = 1.255 (2) Å; conformation: E], with a dihedral angle of 25.21 (11)° between the rings. The 4-ethyl-piperazinyl residue is folded away from the thione-S atom. In the crystal, helical supra-molecular chains propagating along [010] and sustained by weak C-S⋯π(triazole) inter-actions occur [S⋯centroid distance = 3.2872 (10) Å]. Links between these chains are of the type benzene-C-H⋯N(imine) and π-π [between centrosymmetrically related benzene rings with an inter-centroid distance of 3.9241 (15) Å] and result in a three-dimensional architecture.