
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Apr 13;69(Pt 5):m267. doi: 10.1107/S1600536813009847. Print 2013 May 1.


In the title complex, [Cu(C22H17Br2N2O2)2], the Cu(II) ion is four-coordinated in a trans-CuN2O2 square-planar geometry by two phenolate O and two imino N atoms from two deprotonated N,O-bidentate ligands. In the crystal, the packing of the mol-ecules is controlled by C-H⋯π and π-π inter-actions [centroid-centroid distances = 3.568 (3), 3.678 (2), 3.717 (3) and 3.799 (2) Å] and weak Br⋯Br halogen bonds [3.508 (4) Å], linking the mol-ecules into an infinite three-dimensional supra-molecular network.