(S)-α-Benzyl-prolinium cis-[(S)-α-benzyl-prolinato]dichloridopalladium(II)

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Apr 13;69(Pt 5):m261-2. doi: 10.1107/S1600536813009525. Print 2013 May 1.


The title complex salt, (C12H16NO2)[PdCl2(C12H14NO2)], is of inter-est with respect to organic and organometallic catalysis. The compound crystallizes as very small orange-red irregular prisms and the asymmetric unit contains three crystallographically distinct cation-anion pairs. The coordination geometry about the palladium atoms is square-planar with the chloride ligands cis to one another. The structure displays N-H⋯Cl and O-H⋯O hydrogen bonding such that the N-H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds align the cation-anion pairs in a linear fashion along [001], with the O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds connecting these linear strands along [100] and [010].