
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2013 Mar 1;69(Pt 3):o426-7. doi: 10.1107/S1600536813004753. Epub 2013 Feb 23.


In the title compound, C24H19NOS, the quinoline residue (r.m.s. deviation = 0.018 Å) is essentially orthogonal to both the phenyl [dihedral angle = 88.95 (8)°] and 2-thienyl [81.98 (9)°] rings. The carbonyl O atom lies to one side of the quinoline plane, the carbonyl C atom is almost coplanar and the remaining atoms of the chalcone residue lies to the other side, so that overall the mol-ecule has an L-shape. The conformation about the ethyl-ene bond [1.340 (2) Å] is E. In the crystal, a supra-molecular chain with the shape of a square rod aligned along the b-axis direction is sustained by C-H⋯π inter-actions, the π-systems being the heterocyclic rings.