
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Dec 1;68(Pt 12):o3475-6. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812048118. Epub 2012 Nov 28.


The mol-ecular conformation of the title compound, C11H15ClN2O3S, is stabilized by a C-H⋯O hydrogen bond, forming an S(6) ring motif. In the crystal, mol-ecules are linked by two pairs of inversion-related N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, generating R2(2)(8) and R2(2)(20) ring motifs, resulting in chains running along [0-11]. These chains are connected by N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds along [100], forming layers parallel to (011). There are also C-H⋯π inter-actions between the layers, which consolidate the three-dimensional structure.