
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Dec 1;68(Pt 12):o3362. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812046442. Epub 2012 Nov 17.


In the title compound, C18H18N4O4S2, the mean planes passing through the tosyl benzene rings form dihedral angles of 48.42 (9) and 15.1 (1)° with the amino-pyrimidine ring. In the crystal, mol-ecules associate via N-H⋯N and N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming extended hydrogen-bonded sheets that lie parallel to the bc plane. The N-H⋯N hydrogen bonds propagate along the b-axis direction, while the N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds propagate along the c-axis direction.