In vitro antigen-specific induction of IL-22 in human subjects that resolved HCV infection

Future Virol. 2012 Jul 1;7(7):719-728. doi: 10.2217/fvl.12.58.


AIMS: To determine if in vitro production of IL-22 and IL-17 correlated with resolution of HCV infection. MATERIALS #ENTITYSTARTX00026; METHODS: Human peripheral blood cells isolated from a well-defined cohort of resolved and chronic HCV-infected subjects were used to measure HCV-, influenza- and mitogen-activated T-cell proliferation. In addition, IL-22 and IL-17 production was measured via ELISAs and flow cytometry. RESULTS: Resolved HCV subjects had a significantly higher T-cell proliferative response to recombinant NS3 protein compared with chronic HCV subjects. Resolved subjects had a dose-dependent IL-22 response to recombinant NS3 compared with chronic HCV subjects. CONCLUSION: IL-22 production is associated with antigen-specific induction of CD4 (+) T cells in individuals that resolved HCV infection, suggesting a potential role for IL-22 in HCV clearance.