
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Oct 1;68(Pt 10):o2935-6. doi: 10.1107/S160053681203872X. Epub 2012 Sep 15.


In the title compound, C(25)H(32)O(3), the enone group adopts an s-cis conformation. The alk-oxy chain is in an all-trans conformation. The dihedral angle between the benzene rings is 7.86 (5)°. In the crystal, mol-ecules are connected by pairs of O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming inversion dimers and giving R(2) (2)(10) rings. Within these dimers, weak C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds form two R(2) (2)(7) rings. In the crystal, the approximately planar mol-ecules [largest deviation for an atom being 0.4737 (12) Å for the terminal C atom of the alk-oxy chain] are arranged in sheets parallel to (20-1). Weak C-H⋯π inter-actions are also observed.