Clinical profile and serum beta-carotene levels in oral submucous fibrosis

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Jul;57(3):191-5. doi: 10.1007/BF03008011.


Clinical profile and serum beta-carotene levels in 100 cases of oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) were studied. Prevalence of OSMF was noted to be 0.93% of new cases attending ENT OPD Age of cases varied from 12 to 78 years (mean 29.09 years) with male-female ratio of 3.3:1 and 80% literacy. Students constituted the single largest group. Burning sensation in oral cavity and inability to open mouth were the chief complaints in 95% cases. In all cases changes in colour of buccal mucosa and palpable fibrous bands in oral cavity were present followed by trismus (99%). About 52% patients were in grade-III OSMF (Journal of Indian Dental Association, 49: 187), oral habits of chewing tobacco, betal nut, etc. were present in 95% patients. Excessive use of chillies was present in 60 and 74% patients were non-vegetarian. Serum beta-carotene levels were below normal in all the three grades of OSMF, lowest being in grade III.

Keywords: Secretory otitis media; gronment insertion; myringotomy; outcome.