
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Sep 1;68(Pt 9):o2780. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812034228. Epub 2012 Aug 25.


In the title compound, C(17)H(18)N(2)O(4), the azomethine double bond adopts an E conformation with an N-N-C-C torsion angle of -178.3 (3)°. The benzene rings are almost coplaner, with a dihedral angle of 2.98 (14)° between their mean planes. In the crystal, the molecules are linked by N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, resulting in chains of mol-ecules lying parallel to the b axis. The structure is further consolidated by rather weak C-H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter-actions, resulting in six-membered rings about inversion centers linked into chains arranged parallel to the b axis.