(E)-4-Meth-oxy-N'-[(pyridin-4-yl)methyl-idene]benzohydrazide monohydrate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Sep 1;68(Pt 9):o2778. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812034988. Epub 2012 Aug 25.


In the title compound, C(14)H(13)N(3)O(2)·H(2)O, the azomethine double bond adopts an E conformation and the N-N=C-C torsion angle is 178.37 (19)°. The dihedral angle between the benzene and pyridine rings is 5.58 (12)° and the C atom of the meth-oxy group is roughly coplanar with its attached ring [deviation = 0.157 (3) Å]. In the crystal, the components are linked by O-H⋯O, O-H⋯N, N-H⋯O and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming (001) sheets. The water O atom accepts one N-H⋯O and two C-H⋯O inter-actions from the adjacent organic mol-ecule.