Limits of detection and quantification in comprehensive multidimensional separations. 1. A theoretical look

Anal Chem. 2012 Aug 7;84(15):6646-53. doi: 10.1021/ac3010204. Epub 2012 Jul 16.


Comprehensive multidimensional separations (e.g., GC×GC, LC×LC, etc.) are increasingly popular tools for the analysis of complex samples, due to their many advantages, such as vastly increased peak capacity, and improvements in sensitivity. The most well-established of these techniques, GC×GC, has revolutionized analytical separations in fields as diverse as petroleum, environmental research, food and flavors, and metabolic profiling. Using multidimensional approaches, analytes can be quantified at levels substantially lower than those possible by one-dimensional techniques. However, it has also been shown that the modulation process introduces a new source of error to the measurement. In this work, we present the results of a study into the limits of quantification and detection (LOQ and LOD) in comprehensive multidimensional separations using GC×GC and the more popular "two-step" integration algorithm as an example. Simulation of chromatographic data permits precise control of relevant parameters of peak geometry and modulation phase. Results are expressed in terms of the dimensionless parameter of signal-to-noise ratio of the base peak (S/N(BP)) making them transportable to any result where quantification is performed using a two-step algorithm. Based on these results, the LOD is found to depend upon the modulation ratio used for the experiment and vary between a S/N(BP) of 10-17, while the LOQ depends on both the modulation ratio and the phase of the modulation for the peak and ranges from a S/N(BP) of 10 to 50, depending on the circumstances.