A simple way to clear the media for vitrectomy in eyes with corneal edema

J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2012 Jan;7(1):88-90.


Herein we introduce a simple approach for clearing an edematous cornea during vitreoretinal surgery in eyes with decompensated corneal endothelium, allowing the surgeon to postpone penetrating keratoplasty. This technique was performed in 3 eyes by filling the anterior chambers with air or silicone oil, and sufficiently cleared the media for completion of vitrectomy. This simple technique enables completion of the vitrectomy without a temporary keratoprosthesis and penetrating keratoplasty in eyes with corneal edema due to endothelial decompensation.

Keywords: Endothelial Cell Loss, Corneal; Keratoplasty; Silicone Oil.