Emphysematous cystitis of the diabetic patient

N Am J Med Sci. 2009 Aug;1(3):114-6.


Background: Emphysematous cystitis is defined by the presence of gas in the urinary bladder wall. It complicates urinary tract infections especially in diabetic patients.

Aims: We present a case of emphysematous cystitis in a diabetic patient with a poor glycemia control and we discuss diagnostics and treatment items of this uncommon and serious infection.

Methods and results: A 45-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with confusion and abdominal pain. The clinical examination found a septic shock the Ultra-sonography (US) showed a cholecystitis the patient was operated without amelioration. A post operative pelvic computed tomography (CT) demonstrated intramural gas in the urinary bladder, which suggested a diagnosis of emphysematous cystitis. The treatment was based on an antibiotics associated with a bladder drainage. The evolution was in favor.

Conclusion: Every diabetic patient with a urinary tract infection who seems to be severely ill should have an abdominal X-ray as a minimal screening tool to detect emphysematous complications.

Keywords: Emphysematous cystitis; computed tomography; diabetic; pneumaturia; urinary tract infection.

Publication types

  • Case Reports