
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2012 Apr 1;68(Pt 4):o1225-6. doi: 10.1107/S1600536812012512. Epub 2012 Mar 31.


In the title compound, C(20)H(22)N(2)O(3)S, the oxazoline ring is planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.045 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 47.24 (8) and 10.11 (8)° with the S- and C-bound phenyl rings, respectively. The nitro group lies to the same side of the mol-ecule as the oxazoline ring but is orientated so as not to inter-act with the ring. Linear supra-molecular chains along [010] are formed via C-H⋯O and C-H⋯S contacts. Chains are consolidated into a three-dimensional architecture by C-H⋯π and van der Waals inter-actions.