Application of close range photogrammetry to deck measurement in recreational ships

Sensors (Basel). 2009;9(9):6991-7002. doi: 10.3390/s90906991. Epub 2009 Sep 3.


In this article, we present results that demonstrate the utility of close range photogrammetry in the measurement of decks in recreational craft as an alternate measurement system to the one based on direct acquisition of coordinates. The areas of deck covered with teakwood for aesthetic or security reasons were measured. Both methods were compared in terms of precision of measurements, time consumption, equipment cost, and ease of manipulation and equipment transportation. Based on the results, we conclude that photogrammetry has advantages in almost every aspect with respect to the direct method. Consequently, photogrammetry is suggested as a suitable method for coordinate measurement of decks in recreational ships. However, in some special circumstances, where ships have wide corridors with few obstacles the direct method can be more appropriate than the photogrammetric method.

Keywords: 3D model; close range photogrammetry; coordinate measurement machine; teakwood.