Why nanoprojectiles work differently than macroimpactors: the role of plastic flow

Phys Rev Lett. 2012 Jan 13;108(2):027601. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.027601. Epub 2012 Jan 11.


Atomistic simulation data on crater formation due to the hypervelocity impact of nanoprojectiles of up to 55 nm diameter and with targets containing up to 1.1×10(10) atoms are compared to available experimental data on μm-, mm-, and cm-sized projectiles. We show that previous scaling laws do not hold in the nanoregime and outline the reasons: within our simulations we observe that the cratering mechanism changes, going from the smallest to the largest simulated scales, from an evaporative regime to a regime where melt and plastic flow dominate, as is expected in larger microscale experiments. The importance of the strain-rate dependence of strength and of dislocation production and motion are discussed.