Contrasting reductions of group 14 metal(II) chloride complexes: synthesis of a β-diketiminato tin(I) dimer

Chem Commun (Camb). 2012 Mar 4;48(19):2504-6. doi: 10.1039/c2cc18086c. Epub 2012 Jan 26.


Reductions of the β-diketiminato group 14 metal(II) chloride complexes, [((But)MesNacnac)ECl] ((But)MesNacnac = [(MesNCBu(t))(2)CH](-); Mes = mesityl; E = Ge, Sn or Pb), with a magnesium(I) dimer have led to differing outcomes, which include the formation of the first β-diketiminato group 14 metal(I) dimer, [{((But)MesNacnac)Sn}(2)].