Effect of illumination on the display life of fresh pork sausages packaged in modified atmosphere. Influence of the addition of rosemary, ascorbic acid and black pepper

Meat Sci. 2007 Mar;75(3):443-50. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.07.021. Epub 2006 Oct 17.


Pork forelegs were used for manufacturing fresh sausages, treated with different natural antioxidants (rosemary, ascorbic acid and black pepper), packaged in 80% O(2)+20% CO(2) atmosphere and displayed at 2±1°C under different lightings (darkness, standard fluorescent, low-UV colour-balanced lamp and standard fluorescent plus a UV-filter). Two packs for each treatment were opened every 4 days for subsequent analysis of colour CIE L(∗), a(∗), b(∗), TBARS, microbial psychrotrophic aerobes and sensory discolouration and off-odour. Lighting with standard fluorescent was highly deleterious for sausage display life, which fell from 12 to 8 days due mainly to early discolouration. Inserting a UV-filter extended display life to 12 days, while the use of a low-UV lamp was not effective in protecting from discolouration. Addition of rosemary plus ascorbic acid, in the absence of black pepper, retarded discolouration only in sausages illuminated with the UV-filter, reaching a display life of 16 days, equal to that of sausages maintained in the dark.