Assessment of palatability attributes of the major beef muscles

Meat Sci. 2003 Nov;65(3):949-58. doi: 10.1016/S0309-1740(02)00307-8.


One kilogram roasts from 33 muscles or muscle groups from 25 Canada AA steer carcasses were evaluated for palatability after roasting to 72 °C internal temperature in an electric convection oven preheated to 177 °C. Initial tenderness ranged from moderately tough to tender. All butt tender and tenderloin samples were tender on the first bite, but less than 10% of the rib cap (top and lower portions), deckle point, brisket, and eye of round samples were rated tender on the first bite. Overall tenderness also ranged from moderately tough to tender. All of the tenderloin, butt tender, rib-eye cap, and cross rib samples were rated tender overall, but none of the deckle point samples were rated tender overall. Perceptible connective tissue ranged from slight to moderately abundant. Juiciness ranged from slightly dry to moderately juicy. All of the tenderloin, cross rib cap, rib-eye cap, tri tip, flap meat, short rib, and skirt samples were rated juicy, but 40% or less of the shoulder, eye of round, and loss side samples were rated juicy. Beef flavor intensity ranged from slightly to moderately intense, and flavor desirability ranged from slightly undesirable to moderately desirable. All tenderloin, butt tender, striploin, rib-eye, and cross rib cap samples were rated desirable in overall palatability, but 25% or less of the rib cap (top and lower portions), shank meat, eye of round, brisket, and deckle point samples were rated desirable in overall palatability. To the extent desirability to the panel utilized is representative of consumer acceptance, only the tenderloin, butt tender, rib-eye cap, cross rib, cross rib cap, and rib-eye either met or came close to meeting the Canadian Cattlemen's Association's goal of 95% acceptance based upon palatability. Consequently, effective postmortem intervention techniques or alternative cooking methods must be developed and applied to improve the palatability of most beef muscles, if the aforementioned goal is to be achieved.