Objective evaluation of pork quality: Results of on-line measurements

Meat Sci. 1993;34(1):79-93. doi: 10.1016/0309-1740(93)90019-E.


Research has been conducted on objective pork quality evaluation on line in an industrial slaughterhouse. The investigation, which involved more than 5000 pigs, lasted for 12 working days spread over four consecutive weeks between October and November. Measurements performed were Fat-o-Meat'er carcass classification (lean content, fat and muscle thicknesses), cold carcass weight, 24-h pH of Semimembranosus and Biceps femoris muscles and 24-h colour of Semimembranosus muscle. The results show that cold carcass weight and lean content are only slightly related to meat quality as evaluated by pH and colour. Cluster analysis has confirmed the importance of pH and colour parameters, such as L(∗), a(∗) and hue angle, for the evalaution of pork quality on line in an industrial context.