Interaction of charge carriers with lattice and molecular phonons in crystalline pentacene

J Chem Phys. 2011 Aug 28;135(8):084701. doi: 10.1063/1.3625293.


The computational protocol we have developed for the calculation of local (Holstein) and non-local (Peierls) carrier-phonon coupling in molecular organic semiconductors is applied to both the low temperature and high temperature bulk crystalline phases of pentacene. The electronic structure is calculated by the semimpirical INDO/S (Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap with Spectroscopic parametrization) method. In the phonon description, the rigid molecule approximation is removed, allowing mixing of low-frequency intra-molecular modes with inter-molecular (lattice) phonons. A clear distinction remains between the low-frequency phonons, which essentially modulate the transfer integral from a molecule to another (Peierls coupling), and the high-frequency intra-molecular phonons, which modulate the on-site energy (Holstein coupling). The results of calculation agree well with the values extracted from experiment. The comparison with similar calculations made for rubrene allows us to discuss the implications for the current models of mobility.