Nonmedical treatment of patients with dementia

Innov Clin Neurosci. 2011 Jul;8(7):18-25.


This article reviews some nonmedical interventions that psychiatrists and other clinicians in the field of neuroscience can provide to their patients with dementia. The author discusses how clinicians can help patients and their caregivers understand the diagnosis causing the dementia (whether it be Alzheimer's, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, or vascular dementia) and help them to set realistic expectations of the treatment process for the patient and his or her loved ones. The author also reviews how clinicians can help caregivers modify their interactions with the patients when required to enhance not only the quality of life for the patient but the quality of life for the caregiver as well. Finally, the author reviews how clinicians can take on new initiatives that may help both the patients with dementia and their loved ones/caregivers when the patients are at the end stages of their disease.

Keywords: Alzheimer's nonmedical; Dementia; caregivers; end-stage disease; initiatives; quality of life.