Local structure of Sr(2)FeMo(x)W(1-x)O(6) double perovskites across the composition-driven metal to insulator transition

J Phys Condens Matter. 2009 May 13;21(19):195502. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/19/195502. Epub 2009 Apr 7.


Sr(2)FeMoO(6) oxides exhibit a half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) ground state and peculiar magnetic and magnetotransport properties, which are interesting for applications in the emerging field of spintronics and attractive for fundamental research in the field of heavily correlated electron systems. Sr(2)FeWO(6) is an insulator with an antiferromagnetic (I-AFM) ground state. The solid solutions Sr(2)FeMo(x)W(1-x)O(6) also have peculiar properties-W doping enhances chemical order which allows stabilization of the HM-FM state; as the W content exceeds a certain value a metal to insulator transition (MIT) occurs. The role of W in determining the physical properties of Sr(2)FeMo(x)W(1-x)O(6) systems has been a matter of intense investigation. This work deals with the problem of the structural and electronic changes related to the MIT from a local perspective by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique allows one to probe in detail the local structure and electronic modifications around selected absorber ions (W, Mo, Fe and Sr in our case). The results of XAS analysis in the whole composition range (0≤x≤1), in the near edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) regions, demonstrate an abrupt change of the local structure around the Fe and Mo sites at the critical composition, x(c). This change represents the microstructural counterpart associated with the MIT. Conversely, the local structure and electronic configuration of W ions remain unaltered in the whole composition range, suggesting indirect participation of W in the MIT.