Using Nonmedically Trained Interviewers to Collect Biomeasures in a National In-Home Survey

Field methods. 2009 Feb;21(1):26-48. doi: 10.1177/1525822X08323988.


A key operational component of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP) is the use of nonmedically trained interviewers to collect biomeasures in a national in-home interview of health and aging. Few studies have integrated in-home biomeasure collection using nonmedically trained interviewers on a large scale. In this article, we discuss our approach to using nonmedically trained interviewers to collect biomeasures in the home. The article focuses on activities that impact the ability to integrate biomeasures into survey research, including developing field methods, recruiting and training interviewers, and monitoring data collection activities. In addition, cooperation rates and measures of interviewer productivity and data quality are provided to evaluate our approach.