Site-selectively functionalizing microelectrode arrays: the use of Cu(I)-catalysts

Langmuir. 2011 Sep 6;27(17):11199-205. doi: 10.1021/la201881k. Epub 2011 Aug 2.


Site-selective Cu(I)-catalyzed reactions have been developed on microelectrode arrays. The reactions are confined to preselected electrodes on the arrays using oxygen as the confining agent. Conditions initially developed for the Cu(I)-catalyzed click reaction have proven general for the coupling of amine, alcohol, and sulfur nucleophiles to both vinyl and aryl iodides. Differences between reactions run on 1-K arrays and reactions run on 12-K arrays can be attributed to the 1-K array reactions being divided cell electrolyses and the 12-K array reactions being undivided cell electrolyses. Reactions on the 12-K arrays benefit from the use of a non-sugar-derived porous reaction layer for the attachment of substrates to the surface of the electrodes. The reactions are sensitive to the nature of the ligand used for the Cu catalyst.