
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2011 Jun 1;67(Pt 6):m820-1. doi: 10.1107/S1600536811019581. Epub 2011 May 28.


In the title compound, [Cu(C(34)H(24)N(4)O(2)S(2))] or [Cu(bqdapte)], where H(2)bqdapte is 1,2-{bis-[2-(quinoline-2-carboxamido)-phen-yl]sulfan-yl}ethane, the Cu(II) ion is coordinated to the dianionic hexa-dentate bqdapte(2-) ligand by two amide and two quinoline N atoms and two thio-ether S atoms. In the observed conformation of the hexa-dentate ligand, the quinoline rings attain positions related by a twofold axis. The Cu atom displays a Jahn-Teller-distorted octa-hedral CuN(4)S(2) geometry axially compressed along the two trans-configured Cu-N(amidate) bonds.